Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1021 Colloquium: reading and writing Prose Buku Little Brown and Company 808
1022 Criminal Justice Report Writing Buku Allyn And Bacon, Inc. 808.066
1023 Effective Writing in Psychology: papers, posters, and presentations Buku Wiley-Blackwell 808.066 15
1024 English and Other Critical Essays Buku E.P. Dutton & CO., INC. 824
1025 From Shakespeare to Swinburne: an annotated anthology with a chapter on English poetry Buku P. Noordhoff 899.2
1026 Heat and Mass Transfer 2006 CD/DVD/Floppy Disk Tata McGraw-Hill 808.102
1027 How to Write a Report Your Boss will Read and Remember Buku Dow Jones Irwin Homewood 808.066
1028 Selected Essays Buku Houghton Miffin Company 824
1029 The Tragedy of Coriolanus Buku Penguin Books 808.825 12
1030 The daughter of Smyrna : a story of the rise of modern Turkey, on the ashes of the Ottoman Empire... Buku Dar-ul-Kutub Islamia Limited 894
1031 They Say I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings, 2nd. Ed. Buku W.W. Norton 808.042
1032 Trees on the Cliff: a novel of Korea and two stories Buku Larchwood 895.7
1033 Writing Broadcast News: shorter, sharper, stronger: a professional handbook, three edition Buku CQ Press 808.066
1034 Writing With a Purpose Buku Houghton Mifflin Company 808.066
1035 Writing and Analyzing Effective Computer System Documentation Buku Holt, Rinehart and Winston 808.066

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