No | Judul Buku | Jenis | Penerbit | DDC |
1036 | Better Letters: a handbook of business & personal correspondence | Buku | Ten Speed Press | 801.956 |
1037 | Memories of an Invisible Man | Buku | The Macmillan Press Ltd | 813.54 |
1038 | Reportorial Writing | Buku | Chilton Book Company | 808.066 |
1039 | Standard Typewriting Exercises | Buku | Wellman Typewriting Institute | 808.066 |
1040 | The Borzoi College Reader | Buku | Alfred A. Knopf | 808.042 7 |
1041 | The Committed Writer: mastering nonfiction genres | Buku | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 808.042 7 |
1042 | The Little English Handbook | Buku | Scott, Foresman and Company | 808.042 |
1043 | The McGraw-Hill College Handbook | Buku | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 808.042 |
1044 | The McGraw-Hill College Handbook | Buku | McGraw-Hill Inc. | 808.042 |
1045 | The People Act: stories of how Americans are coming together to deal with their community problem | Buku | Harper & Brothers Publishers | 814 |
1046 | The Shape of Fiction: British and American short stories | Buku | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 823.1 |
1047 | The Speaker's Handbook | Buku | Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc. | 808.5 |
1048 | The UPI Stylebook: a handbook for writers and editors | Buku | United Press International | 808.066 |
1049 | Warday and theJourney Onward | Buku | Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. | 813.54 |
1050 | Writing Research Papers: a complete guide | Buku | University Of Queensland Press | 808.02 |
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