Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
901 A Week on the concord and merrimack rivers Buku The Modern Studen's Library 823
902 Cass timberlane : A novel of husband and wives Buku Random House 823
903 Chance meetings short stories Buku Foreign Languages Publising House 891.7
904 Dictionary of Russian Literature Buku Littelefield, Adams & Co. 891.703
905 Harvests of Change American Literature 1865-1914 Buku Prentice Hall, Inc. 810.9
906 Progressive readings in prose Buku Doubleday Doran and Company Inc 818
907 The Adventures Of Tom sawyer And The Adventures of Huckleberry finn Buku The Modern Library 823
908 The Great Tradition: A book of selection from english and american prose and poetry, illustrating the national ideals or freedom,faith,and conduct Buku Scott Foresman and company 808.8
909 The Guermantes Way Buku The Modern Library 843.912
910 The History of a Crime:The timony of an eye-witness Buku DONOHUE, HENNEBERRY & CO., 843
911 The Test: A play in five act Buku hu chiao-mu 895.2
912 The comedies of shakespeare Buku Random House 822
913 The lewis carroll book Buku The Dial Press 823
914 The short stories of Henry James Buku The Modern Library 823.81
915 Twelfth Night or What you will Buku The Athenaum Press 822.3

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