Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
976 An anthology of famous American stories Buku The Modern Library 813.08
977 Barchester Tower Buku Doubleday & Company, Inc. 823
978 Business English: writing for the global workplace Buku McGraw-Hill Higher Education 808.066 65
979 Candide Buku Random House 843.54
980 Contemporary Drama Buku Charles Scribner's Sons 808.82
981 English Classics: great novels by great writers Buku P. Noordhoff 823.03
982 Essays in Value Buku D. Appleton-Century Company 820.9
983 Faces in the fire and other fancies Buku The Epworth Press 824
984 Gulliver's Travel's Buku Gramedia 823
985 The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Buku Gramedia 823
986 The Ardent Pilgrim : an introduction to the life and work of Mohammed Iqbal Buku Longmans, Green, And Co. 891.43
987 The Complete Play of Gilbert and Sullivan Buku The Modern Library 822
988 The Limits of Art: Poetry and Prose chosen by ancient and modern critics Buku Pantheon Books, Inc 808.81
989 The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning Buku The Modern Library 811
990 Topics in Chinese Literature : outlines and bibliographies Buku Harvard University Press 895.1

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