Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
991 All's Well that Ends Well Buku E.P. Dutton & Company 822.3
992 American Humor: a study of the natinal Character Buku Harcourt Brace and Company 897
993 Guarantee of Peace A Novel Buku Foreign Languages Publising House 813
994 Handbook for Writers Buku Prentice Hall 808.066
995 Julie of the wolves Buku SCHOLASTIC INC 823
996 Oliver Twist Buku Gramedia 823
997 The Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn Buku Gramedia 823
998 The Development of the English Novel Buku The Macmillan Company 824
999 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 1 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1000 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 2 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1001 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 3 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1002 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 6 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1003 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 7 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1004 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 8 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820
1005 The Shahnama of Firdause, Jilid 9 Buku Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd 820

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