Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1111 Abraham Lincoln: the prairie years and the war years Buku Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Publishers 920.71
1112 Composers in America Buku The Macmillan Company 927
1113 Facts about Germany: the federal republic of Germany Buku ROCHE 943
1114 Ibn Khaldoun Buku The Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs 920.71
1115 Martin Luther King: the peaceful warrior Buku Prentice-Hall 920.71
1116 Max Born: my life and my views Buku Charles Scribner's Sons 925
1117 Pakistan 1992 Buku Westview Press, Inc. 954.910 5
1118 Regional Geography of The World: an introductory survey Buku Henry Holt and Company 910
1119 Southeast Asia in the age of commerce 1450-1680: Volume one the lands below the winds Buku Yale University Press 959
1120 The Age of Nationalism and Reform, 1850-1890 Buku Norton Company 940.285
1121 The Arab Israeli Impasse Buku ROBERT B. LUCE, INC 956.046
1122 The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens Buku Grosset & Dunlap 923.1
1123 The Professional: Lyndon B. Johnson Buku Houghton Mifflin 920.71
1124 The Struggle for Free Europe Buku Norton Company 943.087
1125 The Worlds of Robert E. Sherwood: mirror to his Times1896-1939 Buku Harper & Row 920.71

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