Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1051 A Geography of World Economy Buku D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc 913
1052 A Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum Buku Price One Shilling 962
1053 A Guide-Book to Bulgaria Buku hu chiao-mu 914.975
1054 American History a Survey Buku Alfred A. Knopf 973
1055 Arabic - English Dictionary Buku Catholic Press 927.21
1056 Civilization Past and Present, Volume 2 Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 901.9
1057 Elements of Geography: physical and cultural Buku McGraw-Hill Book Company 910.021
1058 England in Egypt, thirteenth edition Buku Edward Arnold 962.04
1059 Hawaii: Restless Rampart Buku The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 996.9
1060 Herman Melville Buku Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 920
1061 Lake Michigan Buku The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 977.4
1062 Makiguchi the Value Creator: revolutionary Japanese educator and founder of soka Gakkai Buku Weatherhill 952
1063 The Council on Foreign Relations Buku The Harold Pratt House 973.32
1064 The Tombs of the Tibetan Kings, Jilid 1 Buku Stampato 954.9
1065 True Facts on Events in Hungary Buku Representative of TASS 943.9

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