Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1066 African bush adventures Buku Hamish Hamilton 904.6
1067 Biography Buku Dickenson Publishing Company 920.71
1068 History of United State naval operations in world war II, vol. eight: New Guinea and the Marianas March 1944-August 1944 Buku Little Brown and Company 940.53
1069 Independence And After: a collection of the more important speeches of jawaharlal Nehru from September 1946 to May 1949 Buku The Publications Division 956.06
1070 Life Triumphs: A story of heroes of science Buku Foreign Languages Publising House 925
1071 Narrative of events Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan from the Journals of James Brooke, vol 1 Buku John Murray 904.7
1072 Preliminary report on two scientific expeditions in Nepal Buku ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE 954.92
1073 The Conquest of Everest Buku E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc. 915.42
1074 The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Buku The World Publishing Company 920
1075 The Police State: What you want to know a bout the Soviet Union Buku E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc. 947.087
1076 The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft Buku Boni and Liveright, Inc 920
1077 The River and 1 Buku The Macmillan Company 978
1078 The ST. Lawrence Buku Farrar & Rinehart, Inc 974.7
1079 The World of Washington Irving Buku E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc. 920
1080 The Young Jefferson 1743 - 1789 Buku Houghton Mifflin Company 920

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