Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1081 A Biography Henry Adam Buku The Macmillan Company 920.71
1082 American History Atlas Buku DENOYER GEPPERT COMPANY 912.13
1083 Explorations in Giftedness Buku Cambridge 971.95
1084 Germany at bay Buku George H. Doran Company 943.08
1085 Greenland Buku Doubleday & Company, Inc. 919.982
1086 In Quest of Freedom : American Political Thought and Practice Buku Prentice Hall 973
1087 Middle East Patterns: places, peoples, and politics Buku Westview 915.6
1088 San Francisco Free and Dirt Cheap, 1st edition Buku Wiley Publishing, Inc. 910.2
1089 The Copts Buku Tanpa Penerbit 913.03
1090 The Daily life of The King of Denmark Buku The Press Departement of The Ministry For Foreign 920.489 1
1091 The Indonesian Quarterly, Vol. III No. 4 July 1975 Jurnal CSIS 959.8
1092 The Life of Samuel Johnson Buku Doubleday and Company, Inc. 928
1093 The Official Handbook of Indonesia 2012; a genuine smile from Indonesia Buku The Ministry of Communication and Information Tech 959.8
1094 The Selected Letters of Henry Adams Buku Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc. 920.71
1095 The Sino-Japanese War and the Birth of Japanese Nationalism Buku International House of Japan, Inc. 951.04

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