Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
661 EDIT Iran Under the Ayatollahs Buku Routledge & Kegan Paul 955
662 A Concise History of The Middle East Buku Westview Press 953.8
663 Adhan Over Anatolia: The Diary of an American Muslim Buku American Trust Publications 921.1
664 Guinness book of world records Buku Bantam Books, Inc 904
665 Islam in Revolution Fundamentalism in the Arab World Buku Syracuse University Press 953.8
666 Southeast Asia: an Introductory History Buku George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 900.954
667 The Arabs in History Buku Harper Torchbook 953.8
668 The Arabs: a short history Buku Gateway Editions, Inc. 953
669 The Center of the Universe The Geopolitics of Iran Buku Westview Press 955
670 The Dynamics of the Iranian Revolution Buku State University of New York, Press. 955.053
671 The Emergence of Modern Turkey Buku Oxford University Press 956.1
672 The Mystery of Atlantis Buku Avon Books 900.163
673 The Religious Experience of Mankind Buku Syracuse University Press 953.8
674 The Unknown Life of the Shah Buku hutchinson University Library 955.053 092
675 The birth of the Palestina refugee problem, 1947-1949 Buku Cambridge University Press 956.94

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