Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
736 A Fragile Nation: The Indonesian Crisis Buku WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING Co. Pte.Ltd 959.803 9
737 A Nation In Waiting Indonesia In the 1990s Buku ALLEN & UNWIN 959.803 9
738 Chambers Biographical Dictionary, 7th Ed. (New Edition) Buku Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. 920.02
739 Chambers Dictionary of World History Buku Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. 920.009
740 Empire of the Islamic World Buku Facts On File, Inc. 909
741 Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt Buku Facts On File, Inc. 932
742 Introducing Foucault Buku George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 921
743 Studying the Holocaust; Issues, Readings and Documents Buku Routledge 940.531 8
744 The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume I, Part 2; Early History of The Middle East Buku Cambridge University Press 932.01
745 The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume II, Part 2; The Middle East and The Aegean Region c. 1380-1000 B.C. Buku Cambridge University Press 939.4
746 The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume III, Part 3; The Expansion of The Greek World, Eight to Sixth Centuries B.C. Buku Cambridge University Press 935.03
747 The Decline of the West Buku George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 909
748 The Decline of the West, Volume II Buku George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 909
749 The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World Buku Oxford University Press 900.03
750 The Times Atlas of the World Reference Edition Buku Times Books International 912.014

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