Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
646 A Middle East Studies Handbook Buku University of Washington Press 950
647 A Modern History of Southeast Asia : Decolonization Nationalism and Separatism Buku Tauris Academic Studies 900.954
648 Al- Kuwait Wa Al'Iraq Buku AL WAHDAH 953.6
649 Ancient China Buku Publishers Group West 931
650 EDIT. Hawaii a History from Polynesian Kingdom to American State Buku Prentice Hall, Inc. 966.9
651 Ghazali and Prayer Buku Islamic Book Trust 922
652 Good Governance & Conflict Resolution In Indonesia Buku Logos 909.598
653 In Search of Southeast Asia: a Modern History Buku Allen & Unwin Australia Pty Ltd 900.959
654 Jugrafayyatu al-Hindi asy-syarqiyyah, Juz 1 Buku Mathba'ah Al-Babiy Al-Halbiy Mustafa Wa Auladahu 950.165
655 Karol Sandibragh Buku Harry Golden 920.71
656 Qalbu Jaziratil Arab Buku Addaru Assalafiyah 930.1
657 The Asian Renaissance Buku The Macmillan Company 925
658 The Earth and Its Peoples : A Global History Volume 1 Buku Houghton Miffin Company 900.320
659 The Middle East: a Brief History of the Last 2000 years Buku A Touchstone Book 956
660 Zad al Ma'ad, Juz 5 Buku Al Mathba'ah al Azhariyyah 900

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