No | Judul Buku | Jenis | Penerbit | DDC |
1201 | A Liberary History of Persia. Volume IV | Buku | Cambridge University Press | 892.09 |
1202 | A Technical Writer's Handbook | Buku | Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. | 808.066 |
1203 | Basic College Writing | Buku | Norton Company | 808.042 |
1204 | Deconstuction and Criticism | Buku | The Seabury Press | 801.95 |
1205 | Form and Style in Thesis Writing | Buku | Houghton Mifflin | 808.066 |
1206 | Modern Korean Short Stories | Buku | Larchwood | 895.7 |
1207 | Notes from Underground and the Grand Inquisitor | Buku | E. P. Dutton | 808.833 |
1208 | Registration and Other Stories | Buku | hu chiao-mu | 895.3 |
1209 | The Art of Writing | Buku | Alfred Publising | 808.042 |
1210 | The Lexington Reader | Buku | D. C. Heath and Company | 813 |
1211 | The Researching Reader: source-based Writings across the disciplines | Buku | Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. | 808.066 |
1212 | The St. Martin's Guide to Writing | Buku | St. Martins Press | 808.066 |
1213 | The Writer's Companion | Buku | Little Brown and Company | 808.042 |
1214 | Themes for Writers: a college reader | Buku | Scott, Foresman and Company | 808.042 7 |
1215 | Write Better, Speak Better | Buku | The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. | 808.066 |
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