Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1171 Collected Poems of Robert P. Tristram Coffin Buku The Macmillan Company 808.1
1172 College Writing Skills with Readings CD/DVD/Floppy Disk McGraw-Hill 808.042 7
1173 Creative Speaking Buku International Textbook Company 808.56
1174 Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing Buku McGraw-Hill Inc. 808.042
1175 Expository Writing: from thought to action Buku LEGAL FINANCIAL PRESS 808.068 8
1176 Literature for Composition Buku Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 808.06
1177 Practical Public Speaking Buku The Macmillan Company 808.51
1178 Principles and Types of Speech Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 808.5
1179 Public Speaking Buku Houghton Mifflin 808.51
1180 Singing with Sai Baba: the politics of revitalization in Trinidad Buku Westview 808.454
1181 The Art of Public Speaking Buku Random House 808.51
1182 The College Anthology Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 808.8
1183 The Speaker and His Audience Buku Harper & Row 808.51
1184 Writing and Learning Buku MacMillan Publishing Company 808.042
1185 Writing for the 21st Century: computers and research writing Buku McGraw-Hill Book Company 808.042 028 5

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