Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1186 A Brief Introduction to Speech Buku Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc. 808.85
1187 Composition of the Essay Buku G.K. Hall & CO 808.9
1188 King Sejong Buku Larchwood 895.7
1189 Now: essays and articles Buku Glencoe Publ. 808.84
1190 On Foreign Shores Buku The Lontar Foundation 808.81
1191 Strategies of Rhetoric Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 808.042
1192 Television in the Lives of Our Children Buku Stanford University 808.82
1193 The Act of Writing Buku Random House 808.042
1194 The Greek Way Buku Norton Company 880
1195 The Random House: practice book or writers Buku Random House 808.066
1196 The Writer's Art: a practical rhetoric and handbook Buku Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc 808.042
1197 The Writer's Reader Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 809.4
1198 The way We Live Now Buku The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 820
1199 Writing: Invention Form and Style Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 808.042
1200 Written Language Instruction: theory and remediation Buku Aspen 808.042

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