No | Judul Buku | Jenis | Penerbit | DDC |
1411 | A Literary History of the Arabs | Buku | T. Fisher Unwin | 892.709 |
1412 | Editorial Jottings | Buku | The Hokuseido Press | 808.027 |
1413 | Essays By Robert Louis Stevenson | Buku | Charles Scribner's Sons | 824 |
1414 | How To Read Better and Faster | Buku | Thomas Y. Crowell Company | 808.5 |
1415 | Kao Yu-Pao's School Days | Buku | Tanpa Penerbit | 813.54 |
1416 | Life with Mother | Buku | Alfred A. Knopf | 813 |
1417 | Readings for Writers | Buku | Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc. | 808.066 |
1418 | Sixteen Famous British Plays | Buku | The Modern Library | 822.082 |
1419 | Song of the Chang River | Buku | China Reconstructs | 808.81 |
1420 | The Human Factor | Buku | Simon & Schuster | 823.912 |
1421 | The Mother | Buku | Methuen | 813 |
1422 | The Portable Dante | Buku | The Viking Press | 827.09 |
1423 | Tristram Shandy | Buku | The Modern Library | 823 |
1424 | Winesburg, OHIO: a group of tales of ohio small-tales life | Buku | Penguin Books | 813.5 |
1425 | Writing Research Papers: a complete guide, fourteenth edition | Buku | Pearson Education, Inc. | 808.02 |
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