Literature (Bellets-lettres) and rhetoric
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
1381 A Message to Garcia and Other Essays Buku Thomas Y. Crowell Company 814
1382 A Writer's Resource: a handbook for writing and research Buku McGraw-Hill 808.042
1383 An Outline - History of English Literature, Volume 1: to dryden Buku Barnes & Noble, Inc 820.9
1384 Factual Prose: better reading 1 Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 812
1385 Looking Backward 2000-1887 Buku Modern Library 813
1386 New Grub Street Buku The Modern Library 813
1387 Patsy Jefferson of Monticello Buku E. P. Dutton 813
1388 Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists Buku McGraw-Hill 808.066
1389 River Boy of Kashmir Buku William Morrow and Company 813
1390 Stephen Crane: stories and tales Buku Vintage Books 813
1391 The Aims of Argument: a text and reader Buku McGraw-Hill 808.042 7
1392 The Barretts of wimpole street, second series Buku Oxford University Press 821.8
1393 The Palace of Eternal Youth Buku hu chiao-mu 895.2
1394 The Virginian a Horseman of the Plains Buku Pocket Books 823
1395 Wren's Elegy Buku Larchwood 895.7

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