The arts fine and decorative arts
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
7441 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 10 : city, people, and architecture Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7442 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 11 : why architects need to travel Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7443 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 3 : does architecture shape the city or vice versa? Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7444 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 4 : cross - border architecture Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7445 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 5 : good design in architecture now Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7446 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 6 : craftsmanship within the history of architecture in Indonesia Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7447 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 7 : Singapore : from Garden City to City in a Garden Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7448 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 8 : why architecture exhibitions are important Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7449 Archinesia, architecture network in Southeast Asia, volume 9 : future of the past Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 720.5
7450 Geo etnik Buku IMAJI Media Pustaka 709.598
7451 Re-Konstruksi arsitektur Jawa : griya Jawa dalam tradisi tanpatulisan Buku WASTU LANAS GRAFIKA 720.959 8
7452 Resilience Pesantren Buku Universitas Islam Indonesia 711.56
7453 Tegang bentang : seratus tahun perspektif arsitektural di Indonesia Buku PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama 720.598
7454 Tujuh (7) arsitek indonesia : lahirnya generasi arsitek baru Buku KANAYApress 720.598
7455 Un-Build to Idea Book: Kumpulan desain rumah berbagai tipe Buku Andi 729

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