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Informasi Detail

Call Number : 711 /08 p 2012 - 1
Judul : Perbandingan Heart Rate Peserta Senam Aerobik dan Yoga di Yogyakarta
Judul Asli :
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Pengarang : /08711138 FITRIANI
PEMBIMBING: Handayani Ety Sari

Abstrak : BACKGROUNDS : Exercise aims to build someones?s physical fitness. The most important aspect of physical fitness is cardiovascular endurance which can be build with exercise that could increasing ability of the heart to pump the oxygen-rich blood to the muscles, such as aerobic exercise. A type of aerobic exercise the most frequently performed, especially by women, is aerobics. Besides aerobics, there are breathing exercises for training physical fitness like a yoga. The body?s response to exercise can be assessed through the heart rate. OBJECTIVES ; The objectives of this study was to understand the comparison of heart rate between aerobic and yoga participants in Yogyakarta. METHODS ; This study used a descriptive analysis method with cross-sectional approach. The inclusion criteria of this study were aerobic and yoga participants, unpregnant women whom aged ]18 years old, still active and have been doing exercise ]3 months regularly (3-5 times in a week), had no history and symptoms of chronic diseases, especially heart-related, and have a normal body mass index (18,5 to 25,0). The study was conducted by counting the participants heart rate before, during, and after exercise. RESULTS ; In 52 subjects who met the inclusion criteria, showed the mean heart rate in aerobic and yoga groups each of 67,23 x/min (std 4,581) and 79,00 x/min (std 6,119). Data analyzed was using Mann Whitney test. It results on the heart rate variable obtained p=0,000. CONCLUSION ; Heart rate of aerobics participants was lower than yoga and it was statistically significant. Keywords : Heart rate, Aerobic, Yoga

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 711

Penerbit : Fakultas Kedokteran UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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