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Informasi Detail

Call Number : 711 Mud k 2012 - 1
Judul : Karakteristik Pasien Katarak yang Ditangani dengan Fakoemulsifikasi Di RS Mata Dr.Yap Periode Tahun 2011
Judul Asli :
Judul Seri :

Pengarang : MUDRIKAH\08711110 AULIA RAHMANI
PEMBIMBING: Artati Sri Redjeki\077110414 dr., Sp.M.
Yuli Sulistiyowati\027110428 dr., M.Sc., Sp.KK
Subyek : 1.KATARAK

Abstrak : BACKGROUND : Cataracts as the most cause of blindness in Indonesia and about 52% is caused by the degenerative process. Blindness rate have a major impact on life quality of the patients. Cataract surgery is the only way of preventing blindness and phacoemulsification is the latest evolution in cataract extraction. PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of the patients who undergone phacoemulsification at RS Mata Dr.Yap in the period of 2011. METHOD : This research uses descriptive method with cross-sectional approach. The inclusion criteria is cataract patients at RS Mata Dr.Yap. who undergone phacoemulsification and have complete medical records including sex, age, history of diabetes mellitus, cataracts cause, cataract maturity stage, and visual acuity pre and post surgery. The study is conducted to retrieve data from medical records in the period of 2011. RESEARCH RESULTS : Based on the research that has been done to the 125 patients who met in the inclusion criteria, obtained the distribution of cataract patients who undergone phacoemulsification by sex 62 (49.6%) men and 63 (50.4%) women, while by age = 40 years of 2 people ( 1.6%), 41-50 years 15 people (12%), 51-60 years 33 people (26.4%), 61-70 years of 40 people (32%), and = 71 years of 35 people (28% ). Patients with DM 24 people (19.2%) and non-DM 101 people (80.8%), with cataracts senile 119 patients (95.2%), traumatic cataract 3 patients (2.4%), and cataracts post eye surgery 3 patients (2.4%). From cataract stage maturity insipien of 36 people (28.8%), immature cataract 40 people (32%), mature cataract 47 people (37.6%), and cataract hipermature 2 people (1.6%). Best postoperative visual acuity 6/6 - 6/18 in 98 eyes (71.5%) and the worst visual acuity 1/60 - 4/60 in 6 eyes (4.3%). And best visual acuity preoperative 6/12 - 6/18 in 6 eyes (4.3%) and the worst visual acuity 0.25 / 60-1 / 8 in 28 eyes (20.4%). CONCLUSION : Cataract patients who undergone phacoemulsification more obtained in women 63 (50.4%), most age 61-70 years 40 people (32%), with history of DM 24 people (19,2%), senile cataract 119 people (95.2 %), mature stage 47 people (37.6%), and the best postoperative visual acuity 6/6 - 6/18 in 98 eyes (71.5%). Keywords : Cataract, Phacoemulsification, Gender, Age, Diabetes Mellitus, Cataract Maturity, Cause, Preoperative visual acuity, Postoperative visual acuity

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 711

Penerbit : Fakultas Kedokteran UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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