The arts fine and decorative arts

Informasi Detail

Call Number : 711 Rah a 2012 - 1
Judul : Analisa Sikap dan Perilaku Guru UKS dan Wali Murid terhadap Ketersediaan Jajanan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Gentan dan MIN Tempel Kabupaten Sleman
Judul Asli :
Judul Seri :

Pengarang : RAHMAWATI/07711143 NUR

Abstrak : Background: Food or Snack has become a global problem. It has become inseparable part of everyday life, especially the students at primary schools, since they are the future generation so as to increase the chances of developing various types of diseases that can degrade the quality of the source Indonesia's human resources Aim of the study: The purpose of this study is to determined the attitude and behavior analysis of uks teacher and guardians about the availability snacks in public elementary school district and MIN Tempel of Sleman Society. Methodology: The method used in this research is a descriptive study using case study research design with qualitative analysis. Descriptive study was conducted using a qualitative approach, in this case teacher, UKS teacher and Guardians by interview, observation, and taking data by digital camera and VCD. After interview, observation and taking data, doing transcript from interview, editing and koding, make category, to connect each other between category to present data, analyzing the content, conclution and write the result of research. Result and discussion: Research discution by resourch person, usully same behavior, but have several difefrence point when doing interview beetween UKS teacher and Guardians. But there are different points at the time of the interview between the teacher, UKS teacher and Guardians. Among them the time to answer questions about the availability of snacks in school attitude teacher, UKS teacher and Guardians replied that they had received with snacks in provided by the school where as for school snacks that are beyond the Masters, UKS teacher and Guardians they would not want to have received due to energy needs of children other than that they also feel sorry for snacks as well as traders make a living for his family so that the behavior of the teacher, UKS teacher and Guardians allow traders to sell in the School environment. From the observations that have been conducted also showed that there was stiil necessary to change attitudes and behavior patterns to the availability of snacks teacher, UKS teacher and Guardians SDN Gentan ang MIN Tempel Sleman society. Conclusion: The attitudes and behavior patterns of UKS teacher and Gardians SDN Gentan and MIN Tempel Sleman society in the availability of snacks in schools which are still a sense of pity for the merchants who sell at the school and outside, so they allow them to sell in the school environment, lack of attention and supervision of the School and the Guardians of the availability of the existing school snacks can give an adverse impact on the health of the students. Keywords: Keywords: Attitude, Behavior, Canteen Snacks, Teacher, UKS teacher, Guardians

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 711

Penerbit : Fakultas Kedokteran UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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