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Informasi Detail

Call Number : 711 sa h 2012 - 1
Judul : Hubungan Antara Hiperglikemia Saat Masuk dengan Penurunan Kesadaran pada Pasien Stroke Perdarahan di RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi Jawa Timur
Judul Asli :
Judul Seri :

Pengarang : SASKIA/08711195 AMALIA

Abstrak : Background: stroke is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Although the incidence of hemorrhage stroke is lower than infarction, but it had higher mortality rate. There are several different research results related to hyperglycemia with consciousness in hemorrhagic stroke patients. Objective: the objective of this research is to determine the relationship between hyperglycemia at admission to consciouness in hemorrhagic stroke patients. Method: This research is a cross sectional study. There are 89 selected sample after sorting based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. This researsh subject are hemorrhagic stroke patients which had blood sugar test, blood pressure test, lipid profile, ECG, and temperature. Level of consciusness measured by Glasgow Coma Scale and then analyzed. Data collection is done by using secondary data that in taken from medical report of hemorrhagic stroke patients at dr. Soeroto Hospital Ngawi, East Java. Results: In bivariable analysis, hyperglycemia, lipid profile, blood pressure, temperature, sex, and age are not significant with consciousness in hemorrhagic stroke (p]0,05), while history of hypertension and ECG are significant with consciousness in hemorrhagic stroke (p[0,05). In multivariable analysis, ECG (OR= 3,124; 95%CI= 1,065-9,164; p= 0,038) and history of hypertension (OR= 3,803; 95%CI= 1,098-13,172; p= 0,035)are significant correlation with consciousness in hemorrhagic stroke. Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between hyperglycemia at admission with consciousness in hemorrhagic stroke. Keywords: Hemorrhagic stroke, Hyperglycemia, Level of Consciousness

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 711

Penerbit : Fakultas Kedokteran UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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