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Informasi Detail

Call Number : 711 su k 2012 - 1
Judul : Karakteristik Penderita Glaukoma Sudut Tertutup Akut di Rumah Sakit Mata Dr. Yap Yogyakarta Periode 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2010
Judul Asli :
Judul Seri :

Pengarang : SUBEKTI/08711008 NURUL

Abstrak : Background: Glaucoma is one of eye diseases causing blindness. In Indonesia, glaucoma is the second cause of blindness after cataract which is about 0.20% of all eye diseases that can cause blindness. The disease is caused by increased eye pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve disorder resulting in partial or entire field of vision or blindness. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of patients with acute closure angle glaucoma in Eye Hospital Dr. YAP Yogyakarta period 1 January to 31 December 2010. Methods: This study is a descriptive design by observasing the medical records. Results: The results obtained, from 101 patients with Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma, 8 people (7.92%) aged = 40 years, 56 people (55.45%) aged 40-64 years and 37 people (36.63%) aged = 65 years. As many as 71 people (70.30%) female and 30 people (29.70%) male. Based on educational level as many as 50 people (49.50%) are not school/elementary, junior high schools and colleges attended by 22 people (21.78%), (19.1%), and high school as many as 7 people (6.93% ). Based on the work of farmers by 27 people (26.73%), followed by private employees/self-employed and housewives as many as 22 people each (21.78%), civil/military/police 15 people (14.85%), didn?t work 13 people (12.87%) and student as much as 2 people (1.98%). Based on the complaint, 37 people (36.63%) complained of pain in the eyes, red eye as many as 21 people (20.79%), headache 18 people (17.82%), eyelid swelling 10 people (9.90% ), nausea n vomiting 8 people (7.92%), halo of 7 people (6.93%). History of eye disease cataract as many as 32 people (61.54%), hipermetropi 20 people (38.46%), myopia of 0%. Acute closed angle glaucoma patients who received trabekulectomy 48 people (47.52%), laser iridotomy 37 people (36.63%), and only medicine 16 people (15.84%). Conclusion: Of the 101 patients, most of the patients aged 41-64 years, as many as 56 people (55.45%). Based on sex, women 71 people (70.30%). Many patients with acute glaucoma in patients who are not school / SD 50 people (49.50%). Based on work, most farmers the 27 people (26.73%). Based on the complaints most patients complain of pain in the eyes of the 37 people (36.63%). History of eye diseases that have suffered, who have a history of cataract patients as many as 32 people (61.54%). Obtained from the therapy, most patients received trabekulectomy as much as 48 people (47.52%). Key words: Characteristics, Acute Closed Angle Glaucoma, Eye Hospital Dr. YAP, Yogyakarta

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 711

Penerbit : Fakultas Kedokteran UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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