Technology (Applied sciences)

Informasi Detail

Call Number : 613 Ada f 2014 - 1
Judul : Formulasi Tablet Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Tempuyung (Shoncus arvenis L.) dan Serbuk Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubelus) Menggunakan Amilum dan Laktosa Sebagai Pengisi
Judul Asli :
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Pengarang : ADAM\ 10613319 MUHAMMAD
Subyek : 1.FARMASI

Abstrak : {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs22 Tempuyung in Indonesia is used as diuretic and earthworms have an enzyme called lumbrokinase used as fibrinolytic agent. Combination of tempuyung leaves extracts and earthworms is expected to provide a synergistic effect in treatment of atherosclerosis in tablet dosage form. On this research, these combination were formulated into tablet. One of the important excipient in tablet formulation is the filler, which influence the physical stability of the tablet. Therefore, the aims of this study were to determine the effect of variations of the filler in tablet combination of tempuyung leaves extracts and earthworms, and to determine the optimum concentration ratio of starch and lactose as excipients in tablet which met the requirements of the physical properties of the tablet. Tablets were prepared by wet granulation method with variation formulas of starch and lactose as follow FI (100%: 0%), F II (75%: 25%), F III (50%: 50%), F IV (25%: 75%) and FV (0%: 100%). Flow properties, tapping and Loss On Drying (LOD) were used to evaluate the granules. Meanwhile, physical properties evaluation of tablets were weight uniformity, hardness, friability and tablet disintegration time. The analyses were performed using theoretical approach and statistical analysis. The results showed that formulas I, II, III, IV and V met the requirements of a good physical properties for tablet. Based on Simplex Lattice Design, the optimum formula was formula I which produced tablets with hardness value of 6,17 kg/cm2, friability value of 0,14% and disintergration time 4,22 minutes. \par Keyword : tempuyungs, earthworms, tablet, starch, lactose\f1\fs16 \par \par }

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 613

Penerbit : Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA UII
Tahun Terbit : 2014

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
01.0 cover : cover.pdf
02 preliminari : preliminari.pdf
03 daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
04 abstract : abstract.pdf

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