Natural sciences and mathematics

Informasi Detail

Call Number : 512 ha r 2012 - 1
Judul : Rumah Susun Pecinan Semarang
Judul Asli :
Judul Seri :

Pengarang : HAKIM\07512072 ABIZAR

Abstrak : Development of Chinatown as a cultural tourism area has received much support from various parties, both from the Government of Semarang city itself and from local community organizations that had also been trying the same thing happen. Judging from how much support the development and revitalization efforts need to be followed up in practice. Distinctive cultural richness and diversity of ethnic Chinese (physical and non physical) who owned this area is a major asset in the development of culture-based tourism. In order to realize the Chinatown area of cultural tourism as a lot of things that must be considered in terms of both the region itself (functions, potentials and problems in the physical region) as well as existing community. Chinatown in addition to a rich variety of potential cultural heritage will also store a variety of issues related to the functional development of the region, the lack pewadahan cultural activities, and settlement problems. Given the current state Chinatown area function other than as a trading center is also a dense residential area. Urban population growth tends to increase cause a 'domino effect' on the demand for housing. No exception Chinatown area, known as the center of trade also experienced similar problems. Government as the responsible development continue to look for solutions, one with the provision of flats. Vertical residential flats as an option settlement issues horizontal density settlements. But the housing project which was originally intended to overcome the horizontal slums without realizing it has changed the form of a vertical slum. Look in the mirror of reality, it is not to be repeated. Departing from the existing issues, planned a Chinatown apartment as an alternative solution with the ability to giving a place for various cultural activities in it. Towers to accommodate the needs of business, residential and local cultural activities. In micro-scale fulfillment solutions to residential and business needs in the Chinatown area. With the concept of property Semi Real Estate, provides a good opportunity and continuous infestations on all parties in the future. Keywords: Cultural Activities, Residential Density, Commerce, Given a Place, Flats.

Lokasi : Perpustakaan Pusat UII
Jenis : Skripsi
DDC : 512

Penerbit : Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur FTSP UII
Tahun Terbit : 2012

Jumlah Eksemplar : 1
Jumlah Tersedia : 0
Jumlah Ditempat : 0

Informasi Digital
Abstrak : abstract.pdf
Cover : cover.pdf
Daftar isi : daftar isi.pdf
Preliminary : preliminari.pdf

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