No | Judul Buku | Jenis | Penerbit | DDC |
526 | Buku | Deepublish | 344.046 | |
527 | Al Mas'alatu Al Mishriyyah wal Wafad | Buku | Tanpa Penerbit | 327 |
528 | Al-Iflas Al-Tijary Wa Al-I'sar Al-Madny | Buku | Mathba'ah Musthofa al-bab khalbi | 346.078 |
529 | Al-Iflay Al-Duwaly | Buku | Daarul Jaam'iiyatu Ijadidatul lil Nasyra | 337 |
530 | Ar- Ri'ayatu ash-Shahihah | Buku | Dar al-Qalam | 321 |
531 | Asy Syarqa wal Gharab | Buku | Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi li al-Thaba'ah wa al-Nasyr | 301 |
532 | Bergeraklah Mahasiswa | Buku | Intrans Publishing | 320.507 |
533 | International economics : theory and policy | Buku | Pearson | 337 |
534 | Macroeconomics Thirteenth edition | Buku | McGraw-Hill Education | 339 |
535 | Mausasah Ats-tsaqafah Ash-sya'biyyah | Buku | Al Amiriyyah | 371.3 |
536 | Mausu'atul Iflas I | Buku | Mathba'ah Musthofa al-bab khalbi | 330.03 |
537 | Mausu'atul Iflas II | Buku | Mathba'ah Musthofa al-bab khalbi | 330.03 |
538 | Microeconomics theory basic principles and extensions 12th Edition | Buku | Cengage Learning | 338.5 |
539 | Muqaddimah fi 'Ilm An-Nafsil Ijtima'iy | Buku | Anjalul Mishriyyah | 301.15 |
540 | Principles of Economics edisi.7 | Buku | South-Western/Cengage Learning | 330 |
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