Philosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology
No Judul Buku Jenis Penerbit DDC
286 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3rd Edition Volume III Buku MACMILAN REFERENCE USA 174.957 03
287 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3rd Edition Volume IV Buku MACMILAN REFERENCE USA 174.957 03
288 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3rd Edition Volume V Buku MACMILAN REFERENCE USA 174.957 03
289 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3rd edition Buku MACMILAN REFERENCE USA 174.957 03
290 Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3rd edition Volume II Buku MACMILAN REFERENCE USA 174.957 03
291 Essentials of MMPI-A Assessment Buku John Wiley & Sons 155.28
292 Hand Reflexology: Simple routines for health and relaxation Buku Dorling Kindersley 150.194 4
293 Human Development : Reading in research Buku Scott, Foresman and Company 155
294 Life - Span Development Sixth Edition Buku Brown & Benchmark 155.5
295 Principles of biomedical ethics, sixth edition Buku Oxford Univ. Press 174.2
296 Spiritual Inteligence The Ultimate Intelligence Buku Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 153
297 The Role of Prenatal Education to Ward The Emotional Intellegence of Children Underfive Years Old at The Growth and Devolepment Clinic of Chilldren of Society 's Health Center of Depok Branch Yk Skripsi FIAI - UII Yogyakarta 153
298 The Theory of Moral Sentiment or Toward an Analysis of The Principles by Which Men Naturally Judge Concerning The Conduct And Caracter , First of Their Neigrhbour and Afterward of Themselves Buku Henry Regnery Company 177
299 The Varieties of Religious Experience: a study in human nature Buku A Mentor Book 180
300 Truth and Method Buku The Seabury Press 111.83

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